We're transitioning from Templatecookie to LomeyoLabs, a Lomeyo LLC brand.
Create a powerful job marketplace with Jobpilot's self-hosted solution. Whether you're building a niche job board, developing client solutions, or launching an organizational career portal.
With a dedicated and skilled team, we've developed software products and collaborated with businesses to drive growth through tech-enabled solutions!
CodeCanyon rank
Started our journey
Happy clients worldwide
From 110+ reviews
Trusted purchases
Tailored solutions for various business needs
Starting job board businesses
Building client solutions
Creating career portals
Managing placement portals
Needing branded platforms
A seamless experience for both sides of the recruitment process
Beautiful, intuitive dashboard
Advanced job search with filters
Company search & filtering
Professional profile management
Resume & cover letter submissions
Real-time employer chat
Job bookmarking system
Smart job alerts
Mobile-responsive experience
Streamlined company dashboard
Efficient job posting & management
Comprehensive account settings
Advanced candidate search
Real-time candidate chat
Custom application questions
Candidate bookmarking
Application tracking system
Multiple pricing plans
Everything you need to manage your job portal effectively
Choose the perfect license for your business needs
Perfect for Free Job Boards
$69 one-time
Perfect for Commercial Use
$199 one-time
Trusted by 600+ customers worldwide
Everything you need to get started with Jobpilot
Laravel 10 compatibility
PWA integration
Multiple homepage layouts
Enhanced job search
New payment gateways
Performance optimizations
Transform your job portal vision into reality with Jobpilot. Get started today with our affordable, feature-rich solution.
*Note: Prices shown are introductory and subject to change. Purchase includes 6 months of support and lifetime updates.
Everything you need to know about Jobpilot
Jobpilot is built with Laravel 10, jquery 3.2, and MySQL, following modern development practices and patterns.
Includes Laravel Debugbar, Telescope, PHPUnit/Pest for testing, and Laravel Pint for code styling to ensure high code quality.
Features Laravel Sanctum/Passport for authentication, XSS prevention, reCAPTCHA, and comprehensive error tracking.
Uses Vite, TailwindCSS, and modern JavaScript libraries for data visualization, file uploads, and user onboarding.
Still have questions? We're here to help.
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